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liachilryuling1980 2020. 2. 20. 03:20

Near-Death.com eBook Library: Out-of-Body Experience eBooks Near-Death.com eBook LibraryVIII. Out-of-Body Experience eBooksLibrary Main Menu I.VIII.Out-of-Body Experience eBooksII.IX.III.X.IV.XI.V.XII.VI.XIII.VII.XIV.Tableof Contents1. Experience (Miscellaneous) eBooks- A projective geometry for separation experiences(1999) - by F.

  1. Robert Bruce Horse

Hatim Basil & Mason Ian. Discourse and the translator. Language in Social Life Series. Longman, 1990, 258 pages. Discourse and the Translator is a book for people. And briefly highlight the semantic implications resulting from translation.

Robert Bruce Horse


To clarify, methods of discourse as defined by Hatim and Mason are “modes of.This Paper was Presented at The First International Conference on Language, Literature, and Translation in the Third Millennium Bahrain University March 16-18, 2002 Abstract It is conventionally believed that familiarity with the source and target languages, as well as the subject matter on the part of the translator is enough for a good translation. However, due to the findings in the field of text analysis, the role of text structure in translation now seems crucial. Therefore, the present paper sets out with an introduction on different types of translation followed by some historical reviews on text analysis, and will then describe different approaches to text analysis. As a case in point, a text analysis of the rhetorical structure of newspaper editorials in English and Persian and its contribution to the translation of this specific genre will be discussed. It will be indicated that newspaper editorials in these two languages follow a tripartite structure including 'Lead,' 'Follow,' and 'Valuate' making translation of this specific genre possible and more accurate between the two languages. The paper will be concluded with the idea that text analysis can contribute and lead to more accurate and communicative translations.

Introduction Conventionally, it is suggested that translators should meet three requirements, namely: 1) Familiarity with the source language, 2) Familiarity with the target language, and 3) Familiarity with the subject matter to perform their job successfully. Post navigation.